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Don’t overspend when you start Beekeeping!

Writer's picture: mikeimmermikeimmer

So you want to start Beekeeping huh? Fantastic! Congratulations!

Let’s try and do it the right way however (and without spending more money than you have to! ;-) )

You’ll always hear the advice “start with two or more” colonies or hives. And it’s great advice.

But it’s not necessarily applicable or even possible for an urban beekeeper or people with a small backyard.

So there are a lot of things to consider before you even get to setup and placement of your hives.

If you are starting with one beehive, you might decide to start with a deluxe kit (with bees) like this one from our website.

If you do, just know you won’t use all of the equipment the first year.

You can also start with an economy kit (with bees) or cobble together and assemble your own.

If you decide to start with more than one, there’s usually no reason to buy two deluxe kits! Unless you simply want matching setups for two people, have considered the extra equipment, and/or are buying two extra hive kits (with bees) with which you can extend your bee keeping adventures to FOUR hives!

That’s why we have created an the economy kit (with bees) and a small amount of tools and equipment for budget conscious customers, and an additional hive kit (with bees) option with out any extra tools and equipment for either economy or Delux customers!

Many times you can use the extra equipment you get from the deluxe kit to help build your second or even third colony. Again, the exception would be if you and another person both wanted to get started and wanted to go with four full hives. And note that we now sell suits for kids too! SUPER CUTE!

So, a great way to do that so that you both have suits, smokers tools, and all of the other things you need to get started would be to do an economy or deluxe hive for each person, and then a second ADDITIONAL colony for each person.

Being careful and mindful with your money and your budgeting is very important.

And you don’t want to make a mistake!

Imagine getting your bees home (or delivered) and they don’t fit the equipment that you have!

That would be awkward wouldn’t it? :-) (Yes, this has happened)

So that’s another reason that when you purchase kits from us, they typically include the bees that fit inside the equipment! That way you won’t have that awkward moment, trying to fit a square peg in a round hole!

We also try to make it easier with a website that accepts multiple forms of payment, generates your receipt and order number, to reserve everything for when it’s time to pickup OR have it delivered*, setup, bees installed, AND a brief getting started lesson!

So if you simply want the bees, order a standard 5 frame nuc here and note that you can order ONE delivered, and additional as picked up, so that you can save money on the delivery and install. No reason to pay for multiple trips, right? :)

*(Scheduling limitations and service area restrictions apply. Additional fees required for additional services and distances. Call for more information!)

There’s a full online training course to get you on your way so that you understand the basic terminology better and some of the basic principles. Watch for workshops and classes and feel free to visit our YouTube and Facebook areas!

That’s it for now, but naturally, if you have more questions, feel free to reach out through the website or call us.

And be sure to visit the other forums and blog areas on the website for more beekeeping tips and information! – Mike.



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